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20070207 HH Princess Alexandra is marrying Martin Jørgensen
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<div style="position: absolute; background: #FFFFFF; top: 10px; height: 30px; width: 840px; font-size: 20px;"><b>Still looking for your X.400 address ;-)</b></div> <div style="position: absolute; background: #FFFFFF; top: 10px; height: 30px; width: 840px; font-size: 20px;"><b>Still looking for your X.400 address ;-)</b></div>
 +=== 20121107 - President Barak Obama got 4 years more ===
 +Congratulations to Ameria and the rest of the world. It could not have been a better choice.
-= Highlights from my world :-) =+=== 20120615 - Celebreation day - Yippy jay :-) ===
-= 2007 =+"Same-sex marriage became legal in Denmark on 15 June 2012. The bill for legalization, introduced by the government of Helle Thorning-Schmidt, was approved by the Folketing on 7 June 2012 and received Royal Assent on 12 June 2012. The legislation covers metropolitan Denmark only and is not extended to Greenland and Faroe Islands. Before same-sex marriage, Denmark recognized same-sex couples through registered partnerships." (See full article on [].)
-== 2007 February ==+Well done - and I hereby express my deepest thanks to every single person that been working toward this day, for all the efforts been put into achieving this goal for decades. I know this is the result of years after years of continuously and consistent work for those who had the visions, and the never ending courage and energy to continue until this day. You all have my deepest respect. KrN
-=== 20070209 Premiere at the new Danish movie "De fortabte sjæles Ø" ===+
-Today Kenneth and I went to the cinema to see the new created movie [ "De fortabte sjæles Ø"]. When we got to the cinema, we learned that it was the premiere day for this movie. "De fortabte sjæles Ø" is a family+
-adventure movie with great effects, new in Danish produced+
-movies. A great movie - good effects. Go see it.+
 +=== 20120101 Happy New Year ===
 +I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best in the year to come.
-=== 20070207 HH Princess Alexandra is marrying Martin Jørgensen ===+= Home of libnex =
-Today HM The Queen's Royal Household announced the marriage of HH+'''Home of libnex''' - the webdav - DASL (WebDAV search) and Delta-V (Versioning Extensions to WebDAV) add-on library for neon (libneon).
-Princess Alexandra with Cameraman Martin Jørgensen, Marts 3 2007.+
-News announcement as +
-[ DR News announcement from Radio Denmark] and a link to the Press Release - note.+
-[ HH Princess+
-Alexandras webpage]+
-== 2007 January ==+Authors:
 +Mads Hvelplund (<br>
 +Kristen Nielsen (,, phone +45 36430401)
-=== 20070123 Ungdomshuset suddently got a new supporter ===+Files in this dir:<br>
-Today supreme major of Copenhagen City Ritt Bjeregård suddently+libnex.tgz: The full sources, documentations etc for libnex.<br>
-felt a responsibility to the youth-house coming to her after+libnex (dir): the unpacked libnex.tgz file.<br>
-quite a while of ignorance. She came up with a suggestion for a+
-house that they foundation for a new "ungdomshuset" (Youth House)+
-can buy.+
- +Have fun.<br>
-=== 20070121 Visit at Museum of National History, Frederiksborg Castle ===+Mads and Kristen.
-Visited [ Museum of National+<br>
-History, Frederiksborg Castle] for the first time. I guided my+[]
-mother and her friend Knud there. +
-I instantly fell in love with the place - a "must see" for+
-everybody who has half a day in the greater Copenhagen area.+
-The Castle is fabulous +
-We saw the first official Danish portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary -+
-revealed 7 April 2006. The portrait is painted by the Australian+
-born painter [ Ralph Heimans]. +
- +
- +
-=== 20070116 Guiness Pub in Valby ===+
-Today a group of friends and I, visited the+
-[ Guinness-Pub in Valby] at+
-Valbylanggade 43, 2500 Valby. We were lucky that the Herslev Star+
-Christmas Brew was still on tap. Herslev "Stjerne Bryg" (Star Brew)+
-is produced by one of the better known micro breweries from Denmark,+
-[ Herslev Brewery]. We enjoyed a few+
-really good beers and had a good time there. Guinness Pub in Valby+
-is the best equipped Beer place in Valby and closer surroundings. +
- +
- +
-=== 20070111 Erik Clausens new moviw "Ledsaget udgang" ===+
-Tonight my friend Dennis had got premiere tickets to Erik Clausen's+
-new movie "Ledsaget udgang" [] [],+
-at Dagmar Theater. We arrived a bit before and the lobby was full+
-of people. I had never been in this cinema lobby with so many+
-people. Erik Clausen presented the movie, told why he did it, that+
-this showing was the first ever public showing, and the gala show at+
-21 o'clock in Imperial cinema wasn't the first showing. So if any+
-"important" critics wrote that he had been to the first showing, we+
-who was here would know that this was not the case. (This is a+
-typical Erik Clausen habit). Erik Clausen continued telling that+
-film critics could not put him into any known classification so they+
-ended up with classifying his movies as "a Clausen movie". Erik+
-Clausen told another story about being both the writer the+
-instructor and actor at the movie. He used an similar story about+
-Charlie Chaplin who first wrote the story of his dreams where he is+
-kissing the most wonderful girl, then next he was the actor who was+
-kissing the wonderful girl in front of the camera, and afterwards he+
-got all the appraisal of creating this fantastic story. Erik made a+
-point by telling this story that it is a fantastic privilege to be+
-able to write your dream story, then have to realize it by acting+
-himself, and afterwards getting all the roses from the work - (he+
-almost said) it is amazing that you even get paid for doing this.+
-After an inspiring introduction the film was started. It was indeed+
-a typical Clausen movie - besides the main story - another typical+
-Clausen habit was included: some tiny idea presented early in the+
-movie ended up being a success - a way of telling that the "poor"+
-man has great ideas too and that the right inspiration can do the+
-difference. This "right" inspiration is often given by the character+
-played by Erik Clausen himself, which of cause was the case here+
-too. The music is created directly to the movie by Kim Larsen.+
- +
- +
-=== 20070110 Maskerade at the Copenhagen Opera house ===+
-My first visit at the New Copenhagen Opera house.+
-This evening I was to my first opera at the new opera house in+
-Copenhagen. [] The opera house+
-was opened in January 2005. Beside being an impressive place, the+
-Opera "Maskerade" was a new modern setup by Kasper Bech Holten and+
-Morgan Alling of the "Maskerade" written in 1906 by Carl Nielsen+
-(the most famous Danish composer). Performed first time at the+
-Danish Royal Theater, "Gamle scene", 11th November 1906. The show+
-tonight was the number 273 performance of the Maskerade played at+
-The Royal Theater (Det Kongelige Teater) in Copenhagen. (I often+
-wonder who has the time to count this sort of statistics)+
- +
-At the opera the guy next to me, was a Art journalist from New York.+
-We had a great evening and had fun after the play trying to+
-translate the special Danish acronyms (e.g. LO) that occurred during+
-the opera. We joined the tour across the harbor to Nyhavn together,+
-and did a walk around in the old city of Copenhagen talking about+
-history and what we passed on our way. What a nice evening it all+
-ended up being.+
- +
- +
- +
-= 2006 =+
-[[Image:KrN20051210210247.jpg|thumb|right|125px|Christmas tree in Lego.]]+
- +
-== 2006 December ==+
- +
-=== 20061231 The last day of 2006 ===+
-[[Image:KrN20070101125719.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061231: Tivoli 150 rose]]+
-[[Image:KrN20061231123254.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061231: Tivoli 150 rose - outdoor]]+
-[[Image:KrN20061231123429.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061231: Hazel nut tree]]+
-[[Image:KrN20061231122831.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061231: Garden bush (unknown specie)]]+
- +
-I Celebrated New Year in Southern Denmark. We had many types of weather: storm, rain and sunshine. As the+
-temperature in most parts of Denmark has been around 10 degrees Celsius during December some garden+
-plants is believing that spring time has arrived. I have taken a few pictures of my garden rose of+
-specie (or product name) "Tivoli 150" which had 4 colorful flowers on the last day of the year. +
- +
-At the last day of 2006 I would like to thank all the people that has contributed to my+
-version of the 2006 year, either by being family, friends, worked or studied with me or by just being+
-around with good vibrations (of any kind ;-).+
- +
-Thinking back at 2006 my thoughts goes back to a few events that I especially enjoyed: +
- +
-1. The great event the [ GUADEC] conference in Vilanova i la Geltry,+
-Catalonia, Spain - which happened 24-30 June 2006. It was a really great conference with 2 days warm-up, 3 days of conference and 2 days cool-down planned into the programme. The site was complementing the conference by+
-offering a great city next to sandy beaches at the Mediterranean see.+
- +
-2. The [ USENIX] Technical conference in Boston and the+
-following 2 weeks of traveling around the north-east USA and Ontario Canada area together with my friend Dennis. Thanks to everybody that we met - to the many who hosted and guided us to the most beautiful places in their surroundings.+
- +
-3. The two summer camps I participated [ The 7 OpenSource Days camp] and the+
-[ Omø island camp] +
- +
-Thank you everybody for a great 2006. I hope 2007 will be as inspiring for all of us as 2006 was. And+
-I hope to be able to meet many friends and family during 2007. If you are around the Copenhagen area (or Denmark at all) - I hope you will plan with time for seeing me. You all know you are most welcome here.+
- +
- +
-=== 20061217 My Christmas wish list ===+
-Christmas is zooming in on me (too), and I have to consider what Christmas gift wishes I am going to tell people who ask. This is a hard question to answer - for a person who (almost) have everything he need, or just buys things along the needs arise. But here is a few items I would like to have (and did not buy yet):+
-* ABBA The Complete Studio Recordings. (CD box set)+
-* Kim Larsen & Kjukken: En gammel Hankat. (CD)+
-* Table top Egg boiler.+
- +
-=== 20061215: Diku Christmas dinner. ===+
-[[Image:KrN20061215201137.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061215: Diku Christmas dinner - Main dish is served!]] [[Image:KrN20061215194826.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061215: Diku Christmas dinner - Vue.]] +
-[[Image:KrN20061216004404.jpg|thumb|right|200px|20061215: Diku Christmas dinner - Miniature Christmas snow landscape.]]+
- +
-We had the yearly Christmas dinner at [ diku] (CS at University of Copenhagen). A blast of a dinner with snaps, good beer, the traditional "tørstmester" or "T.M.", the usual diku songs, Christmas decorations including Christmas miniature snow landscape, Professor mobiles (tm) and everything what traditions at diku usually (always) brings! It was a great evening! I learned quite a number of new students to know, and met many old friends which i not often meet in the lunch room [ "kantinen" (K)] -- but quite a few of my buddies was unfortunately not attending the event this year.+
- +
-Unfortunately my "Spiral Nisse hat" disappeared during the last hours of the+
-party. The last time I saw it it was sitting on the head of one of the+
-party angels :-) If anybody sees it somewhere I would really like to have+
-it back. [[Image:KrN20061215234036-1.jpg|||18px|Me with my lost Nisse Hat]]+
- +
-The party ended around 4.30 in the morning.+
- +
-=== 20061213: The Crazy Christmas Cabaret. ===+
-Tonight I experienced the famous Crazy Christmas Cabaret, which has been among the Copenhagen show scene since 1982 - this season is the 25th years anniversary. Congratulations from me. Also the Crazy Christmas Cabaret is the only Show in the Copenhagen area that is in English language. (mixed with craziness and some danish phrases).+
-I went together with a good friend and both of us had a really fabulous evening. I had been warned in advance - but I did not at all imagined that craziness could reach the heights they did here! A great tribute from here to the people behind the show - [ The London Toast Theatre]+
-[[Image:BoredOfTheRings-LondonToast-2006.jpeg|thumb|right|200px|20061213: The Crazy Christmas Cabaret. Bored of the Rings.]]+
- +
- +
-=== 20061212: Visit at BrewPub micro brewery. ===+
-I visited the [ BrewPub] in Copenhagen which is a small micro brewery situated a few steps from the city hall of Copenhagen. We got a short tour around the brewery before having dinner at the restaurant in the basement. During the talk about the brewery I learned that today (December 2006) we have 92 breweries in Denmark. Five years ago we only had 6. I can recomment their IPA (Indian Pacific Ale) and their Christmas Ale - Both really terriffic bears.+
- +
- +
-=== 20061212: Welcome to my new Webpage ===+
-Today I started writing my new webpage. The "release" happened 20061217.+
- +
-My old webpage from back in 1997 has been relocated to [].+
- +
-Written by Kristen Nielsen+
-krn ved
-[[Image:KrN20051210205607.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Entrance to Legoland California, USA. Dec 2005]]+
-[[Image:KrN20051210205621.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Christmas decoration in Legoland California, USA. Dec. 2005]]+

Current revision

Still looking for your X.400 address ;-)

Highlights from my world :-) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012


20121107 - President Barak Obama got 4 years more

Congratulations to Ameria and the rest of the world. It could not have been a better choice.

20120615 - Celebreation day - Yippy jay :-)

"Same-sex marriage became legal in Denmark on 15 June 2012. The bill for legalization, introduced by the government of Helle Thorning-Schmidt, was approved by the Folketing on 7 June 2012 and received Royal Assent on 12 June 2012. The legislation covers metropolitan Denmark only and is not extended to Greenland and Faroe Islands. Before same-sex marriage, Denmark recognized same-sex couples through registered partnerships." (See full article on

Well done - and I hereby express my deepest thanks to every single person that been working toward this day, for all the efforts been put into achieving this goal for decades. I know this is the result of years after years of continuously and consistent work for those who had the visions, and the never ending courage and energy to continue until this day. You all have my deepest respect. KrN

20120101 Happy New Year

I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best in the year to come.

Home of libnex

Home of libnex - the webdav - DASL (WebDAV search) and Delta-V (Versioning Extensions to WebDAV) add-on library for neon (libneon).

Authors: Mads Hvelplund (
Kristen Nielsen (,, phone +45 36430401)

Files in this dir:
libnex.tgz: The full sources, documentations etc for libnex.
libnex (dir): the unpacked libnex.tgz file.

Have fun.
Mads and Kristen.

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